The Australian launch of the Porsche 992, the eighth generation of the iconic 911 sports car, called for something special. Partnering with our colleagues A-live we presented to 300 VIP guests with a brief of high-end luxury, a monochromatic theme where light and the absence of it played a huge role and $5 million worth of vintage Porsches on display for these connoisseur to indulge in.  We created signature AZB feasting tables, with The Caterer Sydney, piled high with freshly shucked oysters and prawns cascading out of giant clamshells and the most incredible Caravaggio inspired vignette with whole wheels of Fromage De Meux and crumbled mounds of Pyengana cheddar surrounded by shards of giant lavoche and mounds of fresh figs, blackberries and muscatels. Black tied waiters roamed with lobster roll, caviar blini canapes and trays of French champagne. The venue for the launch was an enormous concrete box where we created an intimate event space with midnight velvet seating, masses of wild roses and orchids in bright hues, huge corals and object d’art.  The use of light and smoke, to tremendous effect, created a demarked space, leaving a huge back section blacked out and hiding secrets yet to be unfolded. The theatrics of the event came from the unveiling of the 992 which was hidden from view in the blacked out section surrounded by 8 other incredible vintage Porsches that were slowly revealed.  A violinist played live to a soundscape of heartbeats and roaring engines that reached a crescendo with the revving of the 992 engine as the bright yellow hero car was unveiled and driven through the party.

We think Porsche’s adline from the 80’s sums it up best – Porsche – there is no substitute.


